I Presented My Veteran Research at EASP on Krakow, Poland
July 3, 2023
I presented my research on military veterans' transition to civilian employment at the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) general meeting in Krakow, Poland.
I Published a Paper Taking a Cultural Perspective on the Process of Compensatory Control
December 16, 2022
I published my first first author journal article in Social and Personality Psychology Compass titled "Who needs control? A cultural perspective on the process of compensatory control".
I attend the inaugural meeting of Veteran Transitions Research Initiative at Duke University
April 27, 2022
VTRI Website: [Update July 12,2023: VTRI is now VTRL and has a new website,]
I Win a SPSP Graduate Travel Award
September 28, 2021
I win a Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Graduate Travel Award.
I was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
March 23, 2021
I received a National Science Foundation's (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. I am one of 2,074 award winners in 2021, who received a three-year fellowship to pursue my research. My research broadly addresses how we respond to various forms of threat and interventions to mitigate the negative effects of those threats. The program of research I will be developing as part of my NSF work includes investigating methods to improve military veterans' transitions to civilian life and employment.